The library is slitted in several modules in order to you choose the one that more fits into your needs and reduce the dependencies



This module contains the basic model for HTTP and WS. This model is later user by the server and client


Contains the basic routing logic it has two submodules, one to handle only http and other that give WS support


Server Builder

The main class is Server. This is immutable and build from the ServerBuilder. There is a server builder extension base on the server provider underneath.

Property name Type Description Default Value
name String Indicate the server name that is going to be used in the logs information and also in the Server header returned to all request Mad Server
productionMode Boolean Indicate if the server is in production mode, it reduces information like exception stacktrace in the response and compact the json / html responses false
ipAddress String The ip address where the server is going to listen
httpPort Option[Int] The http port Some(6080)
httpsPort Option[Int] The https port, it requires a SSL config available None
sslConfig Option[SSLConfig] The https SSL/TLS config None
readerIdleTimeSeconds Int Reader idle timeout in seconds 60
http.workerThreads Int The amount of http workers threads that handle the request 30
http.workerTimeoutSeconds Int The amount of http workers threads that handle the request 60
ws.workerThreads Int The amount of websocket workers threads that handle the request 30
ws.workerTimeoutSeconds Int The amount of websocket workers threads that handle the request 60



A Http route is defined as a function that receive an HttpRequestContext and return a HttpResponse. The HttpRequestContext has:

  • Request: The original request received
  • Response: A response builder that is used to create the final response. It is the only attribute mutable in the context
  • Route: The current route, it can be used to have more internal information

The routes are added to the builder calling different http method like. It also supports wildcards

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.writer.default._

builder.get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    responseBody("Hello world!")

builder.get("/{id}") { implicit ctx => Match /asd, /1234 but no /asd/123
    responseBody("Hello world!")

builder.get("/{path+}") { implicit ctx => // Matchs /hello and /hello/world
    responseBody("Hello world!")

builder.get("/*/id") { implicit ctx => // Matchs /person/id and /dog/id
    responseBody("Hello world!")

you can interact with the HttpRequestContext but in order to make it easy we have created directives that allow you to extract information from the request and modify the response



Extract the request body bytes. The directive has also a way to parse content into something more manageable

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.reader.default._

requestBody { bytes =>

If you want to convert the body you can use:

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.reader.default._

requestBody[T] { bytes =>

Keep in mind that for that to work, it needs an implicit HttpBodyReader[T] in the scope. We provide a few handlers by importing: acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.reader.default._ The reader also has a parameter called strictContentTypes, so if it true, and the content types received are not the one expected an 405 will be returned


Redirect one request into another location. The redirection could be in several ways provided by the RedirectStatus enum

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.RedirectStatus

get("/v1") { implicit ctx =>
    redirect("/v2", RedirectStatus.FOUND)

The server return an error page. It is defined by the HttpErrorCodeHandlers configured.

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.ResponseStatus._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    error(PRECONDITION_FAILS, Some("Invalid id"))

Serve another route without redirect. The redirection is internal and transparent to the client

get("/") { implicit ctx =>

Extract from 1 to 15 path params from the url. The key is case insensible.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1"){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id2}/{id2}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id2", "id2"){ (id1, id2) =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}, Param id2 is ${id2}")

If the param is not present, a 400 Bad Request will be returned

The path param is required by default, it could be also optional, or have a default value

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1".opt){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1".default("1234")){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

By default, all params are String, but we can convert them for you. Convert to T needs an implicit HttpParamReader[T] in its context. The conversion can be mixed with other methods.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1".as[Long]){ id1 => // Long
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1".as[Long].opt){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    pathParam("id1".as[Long].default(1234)){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

If the param cannot be converted, a 400 Bad Request will be returned


Extract from 1 to 15 form params from the request. The key is case insensible.

The form param can come from the URL query part and in case of POST request in the body as URL form encoded or multipart. We are getting the param automatically for you. As the param can be repeated we are aggregating all sources in just one.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx => // /?id1=1
    formParam("id1"){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx => /?id1=1&id2=2
    formParam("id2", "id2"){ (id1, id2) =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}, Param id2 is ${id2}")

If the param is not present, a 400 Bad Request will be returned

The path param is required by default, it could be optional, have a default value or be a list

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".opt){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".default("1234")){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".list){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

By default, all params are String, but we can convert them for you. Convert to T needs an implicit HttpParamReader[T] in its context. The conversion can by mix with other methods

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".as[Long]){ id1 => // Long
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".as[Long].opt){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".as[Long].default(1234)){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("id1".as[Long].list){ id1 => // List[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

In case you need to read a multipart file param you can convert the param like this:

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    formParam("userPhoto".multipartFile){ userPhoto => // MultipartFile
        //userPhoto.content // Array[Byte]
        //userPhoto.filename // Option[String]
        //userPhoto.contentType // String
        responseBody(s"userPhoto name is ${userPhoto.filename}")

    formParam("userPhoto".multipartFile.opt){ userPhoto => // Option[MultipartFile]
        responseBody(s"userPhoto length is ${userPhoto.content.length}")

    formParam("userPhoto".multipartFile.list){ userPhoto => // List[MultipartFile]
        responseBody(s"userPhoto length is ${userPhoto.content.length}")

Extract from 1 to 15 a header params from the request. Keep in mind that a header can be repeated. The key is case insensible.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1"){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id2", "id2"){ (id1, id2) =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}, Param id2 is ${id2}")

If the param is not present, a 400 Bad Request will be returned

The header param is required by default, it could be optional, have a default value or be a list

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".opt){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".default("1234")){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".list){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

By default all params are String, but we can convert them for you. Convert to T needs an implicit HttpParamReader[T] in its context. The conversion can by mix with other methods

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".as[Long]){ id1 => // Long
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".as[Long].opt){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".as[Long].default(1234)){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestHeader("id1".as[Long].list){ id1 => // List[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

If the param cannot be converted, a 400 Bad Request will be returned


Extract from 1 to 15 cookie value from the request. Keep in mind that a cookie can be repeated. The key is non insensible.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1"){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id2", "id2"){ (id1, id2) =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}, Param id2 is ${id2}")

If the param is not present, a 400 Bad Request will be returned

The path param by default is required, it could be optional, have a default value or be a list

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".opt){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".default("1234")){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".list){ id1 =>
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

By default all params are String, but we can convert them for you. Convert to T needs an implicit HttpParamReader[T] in its context. The conversion can by mix with other methods

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.reader.default._

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".as[Long]){ id1 => // Long
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".as[Long].opt){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".as[Long].default(1234)){ id1 => // Optional[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

get("/{id1}") { implicit ctx =>
    requestCookie("id1".as[Long].list){ id1 => // List[Long]
        responseBody(s"Param id1 is ${id1}")

If the param cannot be converted, a 400 Bad Request will be returned


Add a header into the response, by default it is a String if you want to add any object different from it you need to add an implicit HttpParamWriter[T] in your scope.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.writer.default._

 get("/") { implicit ctx =>
     responseHeader("Content-Type", "Greetings"){
         responseBody(s"Hello world!}")

Add a response status into the response

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.ResponseStatus._

 get("/") { implicit ctx =>
         responseBody(s"Hello world!}")

Add a response cookie into the response

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.HttpCookie
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.params.writer.default._

 get("/") { implicit ctx =>
     responseCookie(HttpCookie("sessionId", "123456")){
         responseBody(s"Hello world!}")

you can customize the returned cookie using:

Property name Type Description Default Value
name String Indicate the cookie key -
value String Indicate the cookie value -
expires Option[LocalDateTime] Indicate the cookie expiration time None
maxAge Option[Long] Indicate the cookie max age ni seconds None
domain Option[String] Indicate the cookie domain where it is going to be applied None
path Option[String] Indicate the cookie path where it is going to be applied None
secure Boolean Indicate the cookie is secure meaning only send by https false
httpOnly Boolean Indicate the cookie is only sent by http calls and not ajax false

Indicate the protocol version of the response

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.ProtocolVersion._

 get("/") { implicit ctx =>
         responseBody(s"Hello world!}")

Set up the response body bytes. The directive has also a way to write content into something more manageable

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.writer.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>

If you want to convert the body from an object you can use:

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.writer.default._

get("/") { implicit ctx =>

But keep in mind that for that to work, it need an implicit HttpBodyWriter[T] in the scope. We provide the String handler but the rest of readers is on your side. The reader also has a parameter called contentType, that is going to be added into the response except Content-Type header is setup already


Utility method to not return any response body

get("/") { implicit ctx =>


We provide a listener that inform any actions around the request

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.listener.RequestListener

object MyRequestListener extends RequestListener {
  def onStart()(implicit ctx: HttpRequestContext): Unit = {
    log.debug(s"Request:  ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri}")

  def onStop()(implicit ctx: HttpRequestContext): Unit = {
    val duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - ctx.request.starTime"Response: ${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.uri} with ${ctx.response.status.code} in ${TimerSplitter.getIntervalInfo(duration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)}")

  override def onTimeout()(implicit ctx: HttpRequestContext): Unit = {
    log.error(s"Timeout during request: ${ctx.request.method}: ${ctx.request.uri} - Body: '${new String(ctx.request.bodyBytes, "UTF-8")}'")

  def onException(exception: Exception)(implicit ctx: HttpRequestContext): Unit = {
    log.error(s"Error during request: ${ctx.request.method}: ${ctx.request.uri} - Body: '${new String(ctx.request.bodyBytes, "UTF-8")}'", exception)


There is a default log implementation called: acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.listener.LoggingEventListener


The error handler render the response when some error happens, so you can customize the response. You can configure by one specific response code or for all of them. This is called when you call the directive error. If can also called by the library in other situations, in case of exceptions another handler will be called.

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.ResponseStatus._
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.handler.ErrorCodeHandler
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.writer.default._

object MyErrorCodeHandler extends ErrorCodeHandler {
  def handle(responseStatus: ResponseStatus, message: Option[String])(implicit requestContext: HttpRequestContext): HttpResponse = {
    responseBody("Page not found :(")

builder.http.errorCodeHandlers(NOT_FOUND, MyErrorCodeHandler)

The default error code handler will just show the error code and the message. You do not need to set up one.


The exception handler render the response when some an unexpected exception happens, so you can customize the response.

import acsgh.mad.scala.core.http.model.ResponseStatus._
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.handler.ExceptionHandler
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.router.http.body.writer.default._

object MyExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {
  def handle(throwable: Throwable)(implicit requestContext: HttpRequestContext): HttpResponse = {
    responseBody(s"Something bad happens: ${throwable.getMessage()}")


The default error code handler will just show the exception message and the stacktrace when the server is not in production mode. You do not need to set up one.



A Websocket route is defined as a function that receive an WSRequestContext and return an Optional[WSResponse]. The WSRequestContext has The original request received

ws("/echo") { implicit context =>
    wsRequest[String] { input =>
        wsResponse(s"You said: $input")

You can define the dafault route in tu builder by => Optional[WSResponse])



Read the websocket request into the desired format. If you want to convert the body to anything but String, you need to have an implicit WSBodyReader[T] in the context

wsRequest[T] { bytes =>

Write the websocket response into the desired format. If you want to convert the body to anything but String, you need to have an implicit WSBodyWriter[T] in the context. You can indicate if you want to close the connection after the response is send

wsResponse("Hello world!")

wsResponse("Hello world!", close = true)

Close the connection.



We provide a listener that inform any actions around the request


object MyRequestListener extends WSRequestListener {
   def onStart()(implicit ctx: WSRequestContext): Unit = {
     log.debug(s"WS Request:  ${ctx.request.uri}")
   def onStop(response: Option[WSResponse])(implicit ctx: WSRequestContext): Unit = {
     val duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - ctx.request.starTime"WS Response: ${ctx.request.uri} in ${TimerSplitter.getIntervalInfo(duration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)}")
   override def onTimeout()(implicit ctx: WSRequestContext): Unit = {
     log.error(s"WS Timeout during request: ${ctx.request.uri} - Body: '${body(ctx.request)}'")
   def onException(exception: Exception)(implicit ctx: WSRequestContext): Unit = {
     log.error(s"WS Error during request: ${ctx.request.uri} - Body: '${body(ctx.request)}'", exception)

There is a default log implementation called:




Add Json support using spray json as a marshaller. You controller needs to implement SprayDirectives.

After that you have two directives to use:


Reads the request body and parse into an object of type T. It requires an implicit JsonReader[T] in the context. If the format is incorrect a 400 Bad Request will be returned.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.spray.SprayDirective
import spray.json._

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with SprayDirective with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    implicit val personFormat: RootJsonFormat[Person] = jsonFormat1(Person)

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        requestJson(classOf[Person]) { person =>

Write the object of type T into a Json response body. It requires an implicit JsonWriter[T] in the context. If the server is in production mode the json will be compact.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.spray.SprayDirective
import spray.json._

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with SprayDirective with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    implicit val personFormat: RootJsonFormat[Person] = jsonFormat1(Person)

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        val person = Person("Jonh Doe")
Json Error Code handler and Exception handler

It provides you a json response if the accept Content-Type is json. So your response is coherent. They need to be added to the builder

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.spray.SprayDirective
import spray.json._
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.spray.JsonErrorCodeHandler
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.spray.JsonExceptionHandler

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with SprayDirective with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    builder.http.defaultErrorCodeHandler(new JsonErrorCodeHandler())
    builder.http.exceptionHandler(new JsonExceptionHandler())

    implicit val personFormat: RootJsonFormat[Person] = jsonFormat1(Person)

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        val person = Person("Jonh Doe")


Add Json support using jackson as a marshaller. You controller needs to implement JacksonDirectives.

After that you have two directives to use:


Reads the request body and parse into an object of type T. It requires an implicit ObjectMapper in the context. If the format is incorrect a 400 Bad Request will be returned.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonDirectives
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonObjectMapperProvider
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with JacksonDirectives with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    implicit val objectMapper: ObjectMapper =

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        requestJson(classOf[Person]) { person =>

Write the object of type T into a Json response body. It requires an implicit ObjectMapper in the context. If the server is in production mode the json will be compact.

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonDirectives
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonObjectMapperProvider
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with JacksonDirectives with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    implicit val objectMapper: ObjectMapper =

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        val person = Person("Jonh Doe")
Json Error Code handler and Exception handler

It provides you a json response if the accept Content-Type is json. So your response is coherent. They need to be added to the builder

import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JsonErrorCodeHandler
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JsonExceptionHandler
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.Controller
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.ServerBuilder
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonDirectives
import acsgh.mad.scala.server.converter.json.jackson.JacksonObjectMapperProvider
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper

case class Person(name:String)

class MyController(builder:ServerBuilder) extends Controller with JacksonDirectives with DefaultJsonProtocol {

    implicit val objectMapper: ObjectMapper =

    builder.http.defaultErrorCodeHandler(new JsonErrorCodeHandler())
    builder.http.exceptionHandler(new JsonExceptionHandler())

    get("/") { implicit ctx =>
        val person = Person("Jonh Doe")









